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Sonnets From the Peace Corps Volunteers: Song of the Training Conference

All hail the holy flipchart paper,
Without which not of Peace Corps learning,
Enlightenment's Facilitator
For Clarity and Truth's discerning.

All hail the great small group discussion,
Count off by numbers for success.
New insight comes from consultation,
Minds will meet and think and mesh.

Praise ye well evaluations!
Praise the colored sticky notes!
Thank you all for gracious patience,
And for sharing anecdotes.

All topics now are done to death,
So go complete your VRF.

So it's not pentameter, sue me.  I should be in training sessions right now.  Also, the VRF is the volunteer reporting form (praise the TLAs! [three letter acronyms]). 

1 comment:

  1. Ha ha! This reminds me of an old Batman comic book from my youth where the criminals spoke in acronyms. Plenty of foot notes in that comic book to explain all the evil talk!
