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My Very Political Questions about the Olympics

How do I have better Olympic coverage than some of the developed world right now?  At least. based on the whining of the folk on Facebook and the blog reading list, it appears the Olympic broadcast coverage in the US is terrible.  This is ridiculous.  As I understand it, the IOC puts out free live streams everywhere, but allows certain companies to buy the rights and agrees to geoblock the broadcast in that company's area of coverage.  Dear people of the US, you need to fix this.  It is unethical for a corporation like NBC to take something that is free and make you start paying for an inferior version of it. 

How do male divers' speedos stay on?  Seriously, that fabric must have some nontrivial adhesive power.  I want some diagrams about forces.  With little arrows indicating direction of flow and whatnot.  A casual online search reveals many people wondering the same thing, but no one seems to have a good answer.  Someone on Yahoo answers, always a source of fascinating misinformation, is confused that anyone would even ask this because obviously they do stay on.  Way to stifle a spirit of inquiry, yo.  Can some diving physicist draw or find me a diagram?  Please?

Why are not more people proud of the women from Egypt and Saudi Arabia and Qatar who are at the Olympic games?  Particularly the rhythmic gymnast from Egypt, her coaches might be in headscarves, but she performs in sequins, as she should*.  Good for her.

Why are some sports unnecessarily segregated by gender?  For example, does it really matter whether you're a man or a woman for shooting?  These events used to be mixed.  They didn't stop being mixed until, according to this nice thing on about.com, the 1996 games.  A woman won a gold medal in 1992.  After that, women started getting separate lady gold medals.  Asking this question of google leads on first hit to a forum which seems to be a hive of internet sexism.  Such sites make me emotional, because ladybits.

*I actually think all athletes should wear sequins where feasible.

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