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Stories of Magic: Infidelity and the Witch Doctor

A man in Tanga told me that a woman in Dar was cheating on her husband.  The wronged husband went to the witch doctor and complained.  As a result, the cheating woman and her lover became locked together in an inseparable copulatory embrace and supposedly this has lasted for five days now.  One wonders how and if they are drinking fluids, since in the climate of Dar terminal dehydration should have set in by now.

As a side note, given how silly and uncritical Americans tend to be about accepting any sort of healthcare provided it is of foreign or ancient or "natural" origin,* I am considering getting rich quick setting up a videoconferencing service to allow Americans to talk to an Authentic Witch Doctor (authentic except for speaking English, so maybe just someone with a feathered hat who looks African) about their problems, health, situational, and otherwise.  Just imagine the advice:  "You don't like your president?  Leave a well-cooked crocodile tongue and some chicken blood in a cave with incense burning and call me after two full moons."  

*healthcare itself is unnatural.  What could be more natural than dying from disease?

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