
The content of this blog does not reflect the positions of the Peace Corps and is solely the responsibility of the author.

In Which I Continue to be in Love with my New Site

I've actually had complete classes and lectures that happen and so far they are going well. My multimedia students have had a chance to play with my camera and will be attempting some photo editing next week.  Including a short tutorial on how to make animated GIFs because the internet needs more of those.  And cats.  Also animated cats.  Yes.   My programming students have met the Python turtle* and can successfully make the turtle draw things, though it remains to be seen from their homework next week whether they can make the turtle draw things without me holding their hands.  All they have to do though is write a function to draw a triangle, so if any of them are really into it, that should leave room and time for them to play around if they feel so inclined.

The lab supervisor continues to try to vanish with the keys, invariably five minutes before my class, but I have taken to calling him 10 minutes before class if he is not present and demanding the keys.  Amazingly enough, not only does he not mind, he has taken to telling other teachers how good I am for him because I train him to be on time.   Now if I can just get my students to be on time I will be happy.  I am currently attempting this by being in class on time and giving people 5 minutes to get in before I start lecturing, and if people are late and miss part of the lecture, that is not my problem.
I have an easier time telling my students apart here because they don't have to wear uniforms.  Some of the girls are even bold enough to wear pants, or show their knees!  I love it!

I don't so much love that the schedule keeps changing.  I was talking to my sister, who professes professorially at a university stateside, and she already knows what her schedule is for the next semester, and it won't change on her daily throughout the first two weeks of classes!  USA!  Also, all her students will be registered well before classes and she will have a list of them!  I still can't get anyone to give me lists of my students, so I have no idea who all is supposed to be in my classes.  Oh well.

*For the non nerds, the turtle is a toy for beginning programmers.  It's an arrow in the middle of a screen and it responds to simple commands like forward, backward, left and right, and draws a straight line behind it when it moves.

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