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In Which I Smell a Rat

Or actually, a scam.  I chased my rat, which turned out to be a mouse, out of my home a while back, and it shows no sign of returning.   Which is good since chasing the thing required all my courage and I'm not sure I could deal with killing it, freshly sharpened machete notwithstanding.

So: I keep seeing this thing cropping up, and some people take the time to ask me if it is genuine, to which the answer is "I would be very surprised if it was."   First of all, the site does not list the name of this Evil Corporation (TM)* nor does a quick, though not an exhaustive, internet search turn up any specifics on this proposed deal.  Nor are the "experts" claiming the deal is imminent identified.  In fact, the entire write up is a remarkable thing of vague assertions which don't seem to be supported on the internet by anything that doesn't link to this Avaaz site for the source.  As for how credible Avaaz is, I have no information about that, but that they do not list their sources is a major major red flag.  Given furthermore what they are I would be a little (okay more than a little) suspicious that they have a profitable side business of selling email addresses to spammers.   As for a Serengeti landgrab going down, it's not unthinkable, but the Tanzanian government already makes a $500 per tourist profit off the Serengeti and that's just the park entrance fee.   They, and all the cottage industries that revolve around selling stuff to tourists, also make quite a bit of money marketing the image of the Maasai.   Based on the tourist shops, it's the only tribe in country.  In other words, it's hard to imagine why the government would even consider selling the Serengeti.  But I'm probably not the unnamed and unsourced experts that you should be mindlessly listening to in order to sign online petitions of questionable veracity.  For great moral superiority.

If someone does have credible and specific information about this, please share.

*I'm all about denouncing evil corporations, especially now that they are people, but be specific and don't rely on kneejerk hippy reactions to corporations to make your case.

*Edited to add*

So there are some issues with a safari company grabbing land to make it a nature preserve, well documented by this blog but Avaaz seems to have an almost complete disconnect from facts, so maybe still ignore them as probable email harvesters.


  1. The wording of the Avaaz petition is a total disaster. The whole thing is actually about the threat of taking away Maasai land in Loliondo making it into a protected area and not about “selling-off” the Serengeti, and it’s an old threat and not a deal about to be signed right now.
    I wrote a background a year ago. http://www.termitemoundview.blogspot.se/2011/07/corridor.html
    A press release has been issued by some CSOs somewhat explaining (could have been clearer) the issues, and they had to tie themselves into knots to defend Avaaz. http://www.hakiardhi.org/index.php?option=com_docman&task=doc_download&gid=162&Itemid=102

  2. Wow, Susanna, thank you for being so totally on top of this!
