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East Africa Side Story

I'm off to Uganda in a few days.  If we meet up with some Peace Corps Uganda volunteers, we are going to play it with us as the sharks and them as the jets.  I have promised to fall madly in love with a volunteer in Uganda, only to have Peace Corps get between us by calling to say that I am out of vacation days and have to get back to site.  At this point someone will get mad and shoot someone.  Stay tuned for the angsty soul-searching group song.

1 comment:

  1. With prettier music than Bernstein's, I hope. And sing in Italian, because 1) Italian is a beautiful singing language and 2) Silly love songs always sound better if you can't tell exactly what the words are. And your fight scenes should be as good as the one with the first swordsman in Indiana Jones.

    -the curmudgeonly critic
