One of my favorite aspects of Tanzanian clothing is the kanga, which is just a piece of cloth used as a woman's wrap. Or curtain. Or towel. Or strainer. Or baby sling. Whatever a big piece of cloth can be conveniently used for. They come in sets of two which must be cut apart and hemmed (there are many shops around featuring people with sewing machines more than happy to do this for you), and then you have
two big convenient pretty pieces of cloth. They all have a nice border and an inspirational saying in Kiswahili on them. Thus far I have four:
Tunaomba salama/We ask for peace |
Wema wako malipo utayakuta kwa Mungu/Your goodness pays for you will meet God. [-ish. This one confuses me grammatically. What's with the ya infix in utakuta?] I have just been informed that this means "the payment for your good deeds you will find in God." |
Wema na ubaya upo lakini tusameheane/Goodness and badness are here but we forgive. |
Kila jambo jema hupangwa na Mungu/Every good thing is arranged by God. |
Love the purple one...but the peace saying is grand, too!